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The site is designed to provide a quick overview of our company but it also has links that lead to more detailed information in specific areas. The site will no doubt be changing with time, and we would like to incorporate any comments you may have into these changes. Therefore, please feel free to contact us contact@groundrisk.com with feedback or for further information.
PT Ground Risk Management
Gedung 88 Tower A, Level 38 suite GH 16
Kota Kasablanka
Jl . Casablanca Raya Kav.88
Jakarta 12870 INDONESIA
Phone : +62 (0)21 2963 6701
Fax : +62 (0)21 2963 8088
Email: contact@groundrisk.com

We identify risks and opportunities related to the ground. We help to develop concepts to mitigate the risks and develop the opportunities. We scope and manage engineering survey and help to integrate engineering and science disciplines during design in order to reduce construction costs and to reduce risks .